Family Photo

Family Photo

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer 2009

Enjoying some ice cream on a hot summer day!
Lucas wanted his picture taken for facebook so he was kind of smiling.

Our middle one got his first set of glasses! He is excited now but I am sure it will wear off.
I am so excited that I finally figures out how to take good action shots with my new camera. That is the whole reason I bought the nicer camera. Kids are always moving. All the kids love the trampoline.
It took Addison awhile before she felt comfortable jumping without help. Now you can hardly get her off the thing.

Addison loves to help me water the flowers. She does not water the whole plant just the individual flower on the plants.

Most of the time she waters the rocks.

Or she waters her foot.......
or waters the frog.........

Here the awesome deck Scott built this summer. He has been really busy this summer replacing fencing, building the deck, and doing new landscaping. He is so handy!

Lucas loves to play leap frog over Addison. Surprisingly she does not mind.

This is my favorite picture of Addison this summer. I took this of Addison after church on our new deck.
Lucas is hugging his sister to death!

We went to the park to play one night and I got Brayden to stop for a moment on the playground for a quick pic.

Scott and Lucas played catch with the football at the park.
Grandma and grandpa stopped by to say hi. I got a quick pic while they were here.

It is never a good thing when you have 3 kids and 2 beaters. We didn't even tell Lucas this time about the beaters.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fishing with grandpa and Lucas's big catch!

Lucas caught 14 fish in one hour. I only caught 2 and and grandpa 3 that time. Lucas loves to fish!

Salina Zoo Memorial Weekend
