Family Photo

Family Photo

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Fishing

We enjoyed Labor Day by taking the kids fishing in the morning. Brayden has gotten to where he really likes fishing as long as dad puts the worm on and takes the fish off. Who wouldn't like that? We're working on it.
Lucas is quite the fisherman. He'd fish everyday if given the opportunity.

Not the biggest bass in the world, but we had a lot of fun.

This was Brayden's fish he caught but he wouldn't hold it so he conned his brother into holding it for the picture. Doesn't look like he minded.

Between baiting hooks and taking fish off, I was able to get a little fishing done.

Addison loves to play dress up with her friend Gracy. Brandi watches Gracy a couple of days a week.

1 comment:

Wagner said...

Looks like you guys had a good time as a family fishing! The kids are quite the anglers (definitely don't take after their uncle!). I'll look forward to seeing you soon!

Uncle Brad