Mom and Misti taking a break for a picture! Mom always made our birthdays special by making our favorite meal and dessert. She made our cakes when we were little but as we get older our requests go to pies and other goodies.

Brook is enjoying her Care Bear cake that Misti made for her. She will be 3 on Thursday. Happy Birthday Brook!

Aunt Holli is getting her baby time in with Miles.

The men in our family just don't want to get their pictures taken. Of course I am getting all their pictures while they are trying to eat.

Uncle Matt wouldn't even look at the camera. Shame on you Uncle Matt!

Grandpa had to have both kinds of cake even though he said he was so full from supper.

Holli and I wanted to get a quick pic too.

Holli got dad to give me a smile.

Here is Lucas chowing down on his ice cream but never got to his cake.

Dad is helping Addison with her cake and ice cream while mom is taking the pics.

I wanted to get a picture of all the kids so everyone can see how full mom and dads house is when we are all there. Talk about crazy. I brought balloons for the kids to play with, soon after we blew them up I realized that was probably not a great idea after all.

When we have more than one birthday in a month we try to have one big party for us all the get together. So this month Addison and Brook are the lucky ones. Addison had another Elmo cake, but it was chocolate this time. Brook had her Care Bear cake and it was white. Misti is always good at making her kids cakes. I hired mine done. I am not talented that way.

Addison is really getting into the opening presents thing. She gots some dress up clothes, books, and other exciting things. She did well for not feeling the best.

Aunt Holli puts pics of the kids on top of their presents so they know which one is theirs.

Mom wanted to get a quick pic of Addison in her birthday hat. I got a hat for Brook too. They are made really well so the girls can play dress up in them for the rest of the year.