Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lucas's 13th birthday party with friends

Scott took Lucas, Trevor, and Tristan to Sports Zone in Wichita for Lucas's 13th birthday party with friends. They played miniature golf. When I asked Lucas who won he said they did not keep score.
They also tried rock climbing. I asked Lucas if he made it to the top but he said he is afraid of heights. Scott said he almost made it there.

I think their favorite thing was the go carts. I asked Scott why he didn't get a picture of them in the go carts and he said he was in the go carts the whole time with them. I am glad it was warm enough for them to do the go carts.

Lazor tag was also on the agenda. I guess Scott won this game. I am glad I talked Scott into doing the stuff with them. It would have been a long afternoon for him to just stand back and watch. He is just a big kid at heart anyway. I love him to pieces!

1 comment:

Don and Barb said...

Can't believe you're a TEENAGER, Lucas! :-) Glad you got to have a really fun party with friends and Dad! Those were cute pictures of Dad and kids, as well as Dad and loving daughter! So, where are MY prints of those CUTE pictures?
Love ya'll! Grandma & Grandpa